Why choose messages on hold technology
It’s a fact: Research shows that the vast majority of pet owners prefer to communicate with your veterinary hospital by phone.
Even with the advent of new technology like texting and mobile apps—which can be an effective complement to the telephone—nothing replaces the immediacy, responsiveness and relationship-building capabilities of a personal phone call.
You may be thinking, “But my staff gets busy—we’d have to put callers on hold.”
Exactly! And with the right message-on-hold program, you have a powerful way to educate and connect with callers in a way that no other technology can—which delivers tremendous benefits to your practice, your patients and your clients.

Where’s the value in placing callers on hold?
Let’s look at the numbers:
- No matter how efficient your front desk is, the average on-hold time in a veterinary practice is 2 minutes
- A two-doctor practice averages 125 calls per day—which can add up to 20-plus hours of on-hold time per month!
You can fill that time with silence or music—or you can use it to connect with callers through timely, engaging and customized messages that:
- Extend your expertise beyond the exam room by educating pet owners on such topics as the reasoning behind diagnostic testing, or how wellness visits can help extend their pet’s life
- Introduce a new doctor or clinical capability
- Provide seasonal preventive health tips linked to your practice’s service offerings
- Promote your hospital’s events, product specials or service discounts for a specific time period
- Raise visibility and generate goodwill for your hospital’s community involvement
- Explain your payment options so pet owners feel reassured about paying for their pet’s care
No texting or phone app can do all that. But the right messages-on-hold program can.
How the right message on-hold program benefits
pets, their owners—and your practice
PawsTime is a leader in messages on hold exclusively for animal hospitals because we provide a level of veterinary industry-specific expertise and a level of personalized service that’s unparalleled in this field.